I really do miss my vintage wardrobe, most of which I didn't get to bring with me to NYC. But no worries, everything is still safely put away in my extra closet back in LA. My sister, Dylana, queen of boho cool, always inspires me to whip out something a little unusual in my wardrobe. She surprised me the other day with this amazing vintage crochet wool vest which she purchased at the Urban Philly sample sale. Yes, the navy yard in Philly has frequent sample sales with everything vintage, Free People, Urban, and Anthro all at incredibly cheap prices. I'm dying to attend for the next one just to find more pieces like these. Not only has my style swayed a bit to the more bohemian side lately, I'm also getting back into some folk music that I haven't listened to in ages. My Pandora playlist has top artists like Bob Dylan and Fleetwood Mac on repeat. Speaking of which, I always feel like a folksy rockstar in this faux fur coat sent from Italy. And of course, my jewelry collection is continually overflowing. I just came home to package from Samantha Wills in Australia containing the most beautiful wooden carved box. I nearly died, it was so pretty! Inside was filled with all sorts of treasures...from stacked lion heads to giant rings encrusted with gold cobra snakes. I love accessories with the most unexpected details. Looking down at my hands adorned with pretty jewels makes me, well, embarrassingly giddy. Take a peek inside my new Samantha Wills treasure trove: